Generator Installation


Owning & Installing generators has

become a necessity as the weather

turns more and more unpredictable

every year. Across Central Saskatchewan,

unexpected hail storms throughout the

summer season often brings high winds

and rain that can turn for the worst

in what seems like an instant. When

hurricanes, lightning, and wind storms

strike one of the first things to go are the

power lines, and life turns to misery.

The internet stops working, the

refrigerator goes out and your food

spoils, life inside your home

becomes unbearable as your air

conditioning, television, water heater,

stove, and lighting stop working.

Fortunately you can plan ahead

and install an automatic standby

generator from Generac. When

power goes out, automatic

generators go on almost

immediately. So your home comes

alive again in a matter of a few

seconds, and your life can go on

as normal.

A Turnkey Solution

Saunders Electric offers a complete

solution for your generator installation 

in Prince Albert & area. We handle the

entire project, so that you have peace

of mind in the knowledge that

you have a single point of contact for

all questions & concerns.

From purchasing the generator,

to handling the concrete base &

installing the electrical wiring &

fuel line, Saunders Electric will handle

your project, with the integrity and

professionalism that you should expect

from a licensed and experienced


Don’t Be Left In The Dark

The team at Saunders Electric based in

Prince Albert not only sells, but also

services, & installs generators

throughout North Central Saskatchewan.

Our electricians are certified & always

ready to serve you & your family’s

electrical & backup generator needs.

In 2021, being equipped with a generator

means you are prepared and will be safe

from any unexpected power outages that

may occur at anytime. 

Contact us today to schedule a free quote!