Generac Generator Installation in

Prince Albert, Saskatchewan & Area


How do you handle

a power outage?

Imagine you’re at home, spending time with

family when suddenly the lights go out. Are you

left in the dark without access to all the things

that make home feel like home? Sure, not being

able to charge your tablet or phone can be

irritating, but what about the rest of your

valuable resources?

Running water, a functional HVAC unit,

important medical devices, & other

resources that keep your home up

& running aren’t optional – they’re necessities.

Without a reliable standby generator for your

home, you not only risk losing these important

resources but increased potential costs

& damage to your home, such as:

  • Spoiled food

  • Risk of frozen or damaged pipes

  • Increased long term damage to your

    home appliances


Combined, these risks are just too much for

anyone to handle on their own. Luckily, you

don’t have to worry about losing what matters

most when you invest in a Generac generator 

from Saunders Electric. A home generator

installation can provide the peace of mind &

protection you need when the lights go out,

& simplify the complications that come with

power outages. If you’ve been looking for

reliable support and generator installation

in North Central Saskatchewan, Saunders has

you covered. We believe in providing you

quality products & services, long before &

after your generator installation. You

shouldn’t have to shuffle around from

service to service, trying to get your generator

installed. Instead, you can rely on Saunders

every step of the way, and stop wondering

what could happen the next time you

lose power.

What to expect during

Home Generator


What is the timeline of

my generator installation?

Installing your generator won’t take more than

a few weeks from our first consultation to the

final inspection, & involves around 3 to 4 visits

from your Saunders Electric technician to

complete the process. Depending on whether

or not you have an existing natural gas

connection, we can help set that up for your

home, so be sure to take that under

consideration when you schedule

appointments & set a timeline for your

generator installation. 

In order to keep everything running smoothly on

our end, keep a few things in mind prior to

installation, such as:

  • Making sure you have all required

    code inspections

  • Know the best place to install

    your generator,

  • so it’s close enough to your gas

    & electric lines

  • Making sure you have gas installation

    lined up so your generator can start

    working right away

The best part about our services? They

continue long after your generator installation.

Because we’re a Generac Generator Certified

company,we oversee all aspects of your

generator, including gas line installation,

& any follow up maintenance your unit requires.

One of our additional services are annual

maintenance contracts, that offer lots of 

long term maintenance benefits.