As we all know, it can be easy to get

comfortable with items in our ownership

which can lead to forgetfulness on needs of

regular/recurring maintenance.

Interestingly, generators which are intended

to be used during emergencies and power

shortages unlike an HVAC system, which most

households utilize every day, your generator.

If you haven’t had to use it in some time, you

may have a bit of an “out of sight, out of mind”

mentality.  You may sometimes forget to take

care of the generator, secretly

hoping you’ll just never need it. But annual

generator maintenance is a key component

to keeping your home running and your family

comfortable in an emergency.

Your generator seems like a pretty simple

machine – you pour gasoline in, & it produces

an electrical energy output. But your portable

generator is actually a complex machine, &

requires upkeep in order to run in its most

efficient manner. Here are some compelling

reasons to call your electrician today and set

up an inspection.

Reasons for

Generator Maintenance:

You Won’t Get Caught off Guard: Most often,

the need to use your generator comes up

quickly, and the scenario may be unexpected.

That is the wrong time to find out that your

generator is not operational. Annual generator

maintenance keeps your machine running in

top form, and identifies any required fixes

during downtime – not during an emergency.

You’ll Beat the Crowd: Many think

that since they have fair warning about

storms that are on their way is on the way,

they can put off maintenance until it appears

they may need to utilize the generator.

Unfortunately, just

before a major storm, everyone is vying for the

same resource, and there is absolutely no

guarantee that you will be able to reach

(let alone schedule) a qualified electrician to

come out and test your unit. And if

the generator is not working and a part

needs to be ordered, you also have no

guarantee that you can receive and install

the part in time.

You’ll Keep the Fuel Flowing: Without

proper maintenance, your fuel system

can get clogged or exhibit algae growth

which could hinder its operation – or shut

it down completely. Having any machine

sit for years with fuel and oil runs the

risk of problems occurring – ones which

could shut the generator down completely.

You’ll Protect Your Investment: A generator is

not a small investment. Many people

think they can save money by not

subscribing to annual maintenance

plans, but this could end up costing

you a lot more money

in the long run. Fixing small problems

before they become large ones is one

of the most prudent benefits of annual

generator maintenance. Keeping the

generator properly maintained will also

likely result in the equipment lasting

much longer and reaching its full life

expectancy, putting off the need to

replace the unit prematurely.

FAct about Maintenance

Routine maintenance is a key to ensuring

safe, efficient, and trouble free operation

of your generator. During a maintenance

check and inspection, the technician will

check and replace the air filter, check the

oil filter and replace if necessary,

check the spark plugs, & replace the

oil as needed. They will also generally

perform a load test, switching your

home’s power over to the generator

(simulating a disaster).

Only by testing your generator’s

ability to actually power what you

expect it to can you be sure that

the unit is running as expected.

At Saunders Electric, we offer annual

generator maintenance plans for Generac 

equipment, to ensure that your investment

& your family are protected.

Waiting until a storm is on the way

– or worse, already upon you is a

risk you shouldn’t take. If you have

a generator onsite in the Central &/or

Northern Saskatchewan area & are

wanting some additional information

or added peace of mind,

please feel free to give us a call.