Thinking About a Generator?

Lively weather patterns are

a given Across Saskatchewan.

year round  it seems that power

outages happen sporadically &

Unexpectedly Depending on the

circumstances Some of these

power outages are promptly

resolved, but some last for days.

More and more residents are

seeing the benefits to having

their own generator to deal

with these situations. Of course,

US Sask Folk love the idea of

generators for other reasons

as well – after all, we love to

live our lives outdoors.

But whatever the reason you are

considering a backup power

source, the generator model

you choose will make a

difference in how well it

works for your situation.

Here is a brief rundown

of the generator types you

may wish to consider.


Which Generator Model

Should You Choose?

FIND THE RIGHT HOME BACKUP GENERATOR FOR YOU With a few clicks of the mouse, our easy-to-use generator sizing calculator will recommend a range of generators that fit you.


With a few clicks of the mouse, our easy-to-use generator sizing calculator will recommend a range of generators that fit you.


Portable Generators:

There are many types of portable

generators, and they can help you

out in many situations. All of them

provide power with mobility. These

range from small, handheld generators

to larger portable generators on wheels

and encased in a protective steel frame.

While portable generators have

traditionally been used for recreational

or work purposes (onsite construction,

for instance) they are becoming

increasingly popular with people across

North America. Homeowners who want

a way to survive in comfort through our

power outages. They can generate more

than enough to get families through a

short outage without too much

discomfort. These units are also popular

with weekend campers & vacationers.

Standby Generators:

The standby generator model is showing

up more and more on residential and

commercial properties in this area. A

standby generator is permanently

installed at your home or facility, and

essentially operates as an emergency

“power plants”. These units are fuelled

by gas or propane, routing electricity

into the home through a previously

installed, automatic transfer switch.

This switch will automatically start

and stop the generator, and will

regulate which appliances and

fixtures are supported by the

standby power – and in what

order. People with standby

generator models do not

suffer any downtime in the event

of a power outage – unless of course,

the unit was improperly maintained

or has not been refilled with gas

from the last usage.

RV Power Generators:

Recreational vehicles are all the

rage, & adventure seekers across

the country are discovering the joys

of the open road. While RV’s offer the

opportunity to hook into electrical

power at campsites, you may often

find yourself in a more remote area

without hookups – or boon-docking in

parking lots. RV generator models differ

from small, recreational portable

generators in they provide enough

juice to power the A/C unit in your RV.

They can even run off your existing gas

or propane tanks, and can be housed in

your outdoor compartments.

PTO Generators:

Also known as, Tractor powered

generators, provide portable &

backup generator power in farming,

ranch, & other agricultural applications.

Therefore, if you maintain land and have

a large tractor, you may find a power

takeoff (PTO) generator useful. As

generators are basically an engine

and an alternator, some farmers will

attach a PTO generators (essentially

fancy alternators) to the tractor engine

to create electricity.


FOR YOU So, which generator

model is right for you?

Contact the team at Saunders Electric as

they can help you decide. while, also

listening to any concerns you may have,

understanding your backup power needs

while considering you and your budget….

To ensure you to decide on the very best

backup generator option for your home

or business. Not only is Saunders Electric

in its 65th year of business, we are also

master electricians, who are certified, &

Prince Albert’s authorized GENERAC

Generator dealer.

We have been trained and know exactly

how to install & maintain these units.

Don’t hesitate,

Call us today!
