The heat of summer is no laughing matter, but

just because your cranking up the AC doesn’t

mean that’s the only thing you should have on

hand. While your HVAC is essential during the

summer, so is your generator

- especially in the SASK!

Maybe you’re wondering - why exactly is a

backup generator a summertime essential?

Read on to learn out why.



While winter brings the bitter cold and

occasional snow, the summertime can

be just as hazardous. Saskatchewan does

experience plenty of storms, year so you

can always expect something interesting.

Since Saunders Electric is located in a central

Canada, we’re never spared the hazards that

come with summertime storms, and

heavy rains. Power outages are just

as likely to occur in these weather

conditions as they do in the wintertime,

and without a source of backup power,

your lights aren’t the only thing that will

be out. Because storms can last for so

long, & end up creating so much debris, it can

take quite some time to get the power back up

& running. Without an emergency backup power

source, you’re looking at days without power.

While winter brings the bitter cold & occasional

snow, the summertime can be just as

hazardous. Northern Saskatchewan experiences

plenty of windy days and storms, so you can

always expect turbulent weather starting as

early as May. Since Saskatchewan is land bound,

we’re never spared the hazards that come with

summertime storms, and heavy rains. Power

outages are just as likely to occur in these

weather conditions as they do in the

wintertime, and without a source of backup

power, your lights aren’t the only thing that

will be out. Because storms can last for so

long, and end up creating so much debris,

it can take quite some time to get the power

back up and running. Without an emergency

backup power source, you’re looking at days

without power.

whole house standby generator eliminates

the concern that comes for your home during

the summer months. A generator powers all

the essentials your family needs to stay safe,

long enough to weather the storm.

A whole-house standby generator will supply

your home with more power than a typical

portable generator, so you can still access

electricity, water, and your refrigerator

without a problem. Plus, you still can beat

the heat of summer with a standby generator.

Standby generators are large enough to supply

your whole home with air conditioning, so you,

your family, and your pets, can weather any

storm comfortably. If a storm happens to strike,

a Generac Home Generator automatically

transfers power back into your home the second

the lights go out. Your home backup generator

protects your family & pets, even during the

most uncertain times.




In order to weather these upcoming summer

storms, it’s important to care for your generator

properly. Without the right care, you can’t expect

your generator transferring power back to your

home right away. Delays can occur if 

annual maintenance isn’t a priority.

If you want your generator to be ready for the

summer, follow the instructions below, so you

can count on its when you need it most.

Check for Generator Testing

Be sure to check your inbox for weekly

generator testing. Generac standby generators

automatically test themselves on a weekly

basis, & you’ll receive an email with the current

stats of your standby generator. This automatic

testing insures your generator is ready

or anything, so be sure to monitor your emails

to make sure everything is running properly.

What Type of Fuel does your Generator Require?

If your generator runs on natural gas,

you’ll never have to worry about refuelling prior

an outage. However, if your generator runs on

propane, a propane company has to come out

to your home in order to fill up your propane

tanks. It’s important to make sure your propane

tank levels are full before a hurricane or tropical

storm, & prep accordingly.

Follow Routine Maintenance

The best way to prevent obstacles from arising

in your generator scheduling annual

maintenance. Having a licensed professional

look at your generator once a year is

going to make sure nothing goes wrong before

the next big summer storm.





If you’re wondering what type of backup

generator is best suited for your home,

consult with an expert technician at Saunders

Electric to help you get started.

Why Is A Backup Generator A Summertime

Essential?The heat of summer is no laughing

matter, but just because your cranking up the

AC doesn’t mean that’s the only thing you

should have on hand. While your HVAC is

essential during the summer, so is your

generator - especially in Saskatchewan.

Maybe you’re wondering - why exactly is a

backup generator a summertime essential?

Read on to learn out why.


Summer Time

Generator Tips

In order to weather these upcoming summer storms,

it’s important to care for your generator properly.

Without the right care, you can’t expect your generator

transferring power back to your home right away.

Delays can occur if annual maintenance isn’t a priority.

If you want your generator to be ready for the summer,

follow the instructions below, so you can count on its

protection when you need it most.

  • Check for Generator Testing

    Be sure to check your inbox for weekly generator testing

  • Generac standby generators automatically test themselves

  • on a weekly basis, and you’ll receive an email with the

  • current stats of your standby generator. This automatic

  • testing insures your generator is ready for anything,

    so be sure to monitor your emails to make sure everything is running properly.

What Type of Fuel does your Generator Require?

  • If your generator runs on natural gas, you’ll never have

    to worry about refuelling prior to an outage.

    However, if your generator runs on propane,

    a propane company has to come out to your

    home in order to fill up your propane tanks.

    It’s important to make sure your propane tank

    levels are full before a hurricane or tropical storm,

    and prep accordingly. Follow Routine Maintenance

    The best way to prevent obstacles from arising in

    your generator scheduling annual maintenance.

    Having a licensed professional look at your

    generator once a year is going to make sure

    nothing goes wrong before the next big summer




What’s the Best

Generator for You?

If you’re wondering what type of backup

generator is best suited for your home,

consult us, at Saunders Electric to help

you get started. We are certified with

Generac Generator meaning we are

familiar with a variety of their standby

generators that are equipped to serve

your home. Plus, a 

backup generator adds unexpected value 

to your home.

If you’re ready to get started,

contact us today, so we can help protect your

home ASAP!